Monday, January 5, 2009

Last Night of Winter Break

So I'm posted up in front of the computer on my last night of holiday break of my senior year. No complaints, no complaints what so ever. It was really good, glad I got to spend some quality time with my friends and my family. I also came out of it with a relationship... this girl makes me pretty happy and she is definitely unique. I was unsure about it at first but now I think that we are headed in a positive direction. Not gonna get to serious yet, just gonna go with the flow and it looks like it's flowing well.

Last night was a pretty good night to end the break on even though tonight was my actual last night of it. I kicked it at Trell's last night with him, Brandon, and Biddy. Trell's girl was there and I took Kelsey over there to meet and great my boys (see I'm for real bout this one). We just kicked it, drank a little bit but didn't get on any high levels with it lol. We had to do it, they all left for school today... Got me pretty shitty cuz there goes the homies...

You really learn to appreciate your true friends in times like these. It seems like I find my niche, the place where I belong, the people which whom I belong with, but they all get shipped off to college and I'm here to face my senior year without them around most of the time. That ain't getting me down though, I got other friends and even though it's not quite the same, I appreciate them as well.

Shout out to my boy Michael Chrisman, thats my dude right there... A dude that I found to be a true friend and I didn't realize I had any others besides Brandon, Trell, and Biddy until now.

I am... truely happy.. I feel like I got a lot goin' good right now thanks a lot to the people around me. Of course the people I have already mentioned in this blog thus far and a few others not mentioned. I hope things don't change or flip, I'm wanting all the good to just progress. I really want me and kelsey to work out... All is looking so positive and this winter break was just the boost I needed to get me through school to spring break. Hopefully school goes well, then life would be... perfect? Is that possible? That's stronger than the L-Word I think... definitely harder to come upon. Love or perfection? Which is more potent? I see a lot more love than perfection, but i think in order to have perfection you gotta have love in your life too because if you didn't have the love, your life wouldn't be perfect, you'd be missing something... DUH!!! All you need is love love love... I don't even like the beatles lol.

"I'm high off life... F*ck it I'm wasted..." that is my shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is exactly how I feel right now!! Shit is so good at the moment. It would be dope if a shit load of people read this and could feel me on how good I feel right now. Gotta love that Charles Hamilton shit, makes me love music again.

And shout out to my LOUISVILLE CARDINALS!!! Especially the amigo Edgar Sosa for looking like he did his freshman year again. That game was DOPE!

Here is the way of life for the time being.. "Rule No. 76 No excuses, Play like a champion" courtesy of Wedding Crashers lol. Good f*cking movie.

I'm writing in the sky, I'm leaving an impression on everybody and everything.. I hope my happiness rubs off on everybody I meet. Then everybody could be almost or as happy as me.

Ahhhh so good so good... I can't really think of anything wrong right now. Well, except that I really need some new shoes on the whip lol but that's nothing that I can't take care of.

I've done spilled my guts on here, I can't really think of much else on my mind at the moment that i need to share. Guess its the index and the middle until next time...

-->Alex Richey<--

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