We all have some things like that we all adore, maybe it's something else. The things you love the most are usually the ones you got on your own. Usually, if it's one of those things, probably wasn't the best investment to tell the truth, if the readers are my age at least. We all spend money on stupid stuff that makes us happy at the time, I know how pissed I get when I beat a video game that I dropped $60 on and can't do much with once the story's over. Hence why I download music, it's not guaranteed to be something worth listening to.
Real talk...
Sometimes I dream bigger than I live.. Like, it'd be nice to be able to please everyone and myself. But I know, that's not possible. Making someone happy is gonna piss someone else off, making yourself happy, that'll piss even more people off. That's just how things work. We do what we can, well some of us, I know I do and that it's not always enough. And of course, you can't help someone who doesn't want it, even though it doesn't hurt to try. Hopefully they remember. I know I've said that stuff before.
Anybody that knows me well enough, knows I'm a Fight Club fanatic... Silly right? A movie, well more than a movie to me. Watching this movie multiple times and a conversation with Will Watt has made me realize how I contradict myself on exactly what I've been preaching. "The things you own, will end up owning you." Yeah, I want a $300 pair of headphones because I love some music more than most things. But, I know that I don't need that, it goes against a lot of what I believe. "Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need." But we still buy it because we want it, unworthy investments.
I've come to realize that the best investments that we can make, is investments in people. The greatest gifts you can give are not material, they are time, and yourself. I used to say "I spend money because spending time is hopeless." Yeah that's a Drake line, but I believed it. I was so wrong.
I'm not much for karma, but I feel like this is the most common example of it. If you invest in people, it will reward you in the end. When you know you've done the right thing, there is a sense of fulfillment in that. Investing time is basically investing yourself. What is our best answer not to do something? "Not worth my time." Time is the most valuable thing we have in this world, the most wonderful thing we can invest in another. Giving time is like giving love.
I try to invest as much as myself as possible into those that I care about, sometimes it is just not enough. You try to have a conversation and that person just doesn't want to hear it because they've already made up in their mind that you cannot be right. Let the selfishness blind them, they're just not worth the investment obviously. But eventually, they'll realize that you tried to do right by them. Can't steer you wrong.
A recent conversation I had with a friend while sitting in Moe's made me realize something else I was doing wrong. Just too much of trying to invest myself in people... I never really thought about it like that. He made me realize that I needed to do less of that, more of investing in myself. All of a sudden, it all made sense. That "you can't please anyone until you please yourself" stuff, stuff that I had also been preaching but never really thought I had a problem with, until now. Thanks, Carson.
I know I'm not the only one. Trying to please people, thinking that it'll be the ultimate pleasure. Yeah, it's nice but you gotta make sure you are doing right by yourself first or you're just not doing right at all.
Regardless to who reads this stuff, I really dunno if anyone does for real, but I don't care, I won't stop writing, I'm investing in myself by doing so I realize now. Whenever I'm done with it, if I ever am, I'll know I've done what I should have and that makes me happy.
So yeah, please people, but make sure you can afford to do it with yourself. If you must spend money, don't do things like buy your mom a gift, buy her lunch so you can hang out with her. Material is only temporary, unless it's diamonds, but diamonds can't by people, diamonds can't by time.
Diamonds are forever, but time is not. Give time while you have it, to yourself and the people you love. When you give time, you give love.
-->Alex Richey<--
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