Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last Blog I'll Ever Write... In '08

So... half past the hour of three on new years eve.. The last day of 2008. Its safe to say by me that it was and overall great '08.

I guess I could review it somewhat... The majority of the year I was in a relationship... That was fun.. No complaints, just didnt feel like I wanted to stay in it since half way through this oncoming year I will be moving a couple hours away to school. I worked... a lot... and spent a lot of that money on bullshit lol. I went to Chi-town which inspired me to drop a bomb on the world of blogging on my myspace. might do you some good to go read it... got some pretty good shit on there. There isn't really much to some up from the year... I just kinda did my thing. No near life changing experiences or nothing like that it was just 2008, no complaints.

I guess the best part of it was really finding out who i think i am... and who i want to be for the rest of my life. I dont have much growning left to do, I realize that but i also realize that I'm not fully grown that I'm not done with the growing process. Physically and mentally.. Well we always keep growing mentally. Unless of course something fucks up our brains lol.

speaking of which... my uncle just got taken to wellstone hospital. He is bi-polar manic depressant... the same shit the guy on "A beautiful Mind" has.. not good shit. Granny is pretty torn up about it but we're sure he is gonna be okay.

well there aint much else on my mind on the moment... just reminiscing '08 and thinkin a little bit about this upcoming year. especially the next six months. Most important six months of my life so far. Not gonna be a female and overthink things though lol... and yeah that was a stab at women lol. (sorry ladies, you know i love ya)

Oh well... I'm audi like an R8... Trying to go out 2008 and bring in 2009 the right way.... by gettin gone tonigh lmao..

until next time

-->Alex Richey<--

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